Knowing About the Significance of Tyre Tread of Your Vehicle?

3 min readApr 19, 2021


The tread pattern is one of the most important components of your tyres. Only this part of the tyres touches the road surfaces directly. Moreover, this component has to function against the factors like friction and heat. Furthermore, this component is responsible for providing proper grip and traction. Therefore, you have to maintain this part of the tyres cautiously.

Why Do You Have to Be Cautious?

You need to be cautious to keep your tread depth at a constant level because reducing the depth of the tread pattern should be a warning sign for you. In the UK, the legal tread depth limit for vehicles is 1.6mm. It means, if your tyres have tread depth less than this limit, you cannot drive your car legally.

Moreover, you should not drive your car ethically as well if your tread depth is below 1.6 mm because bald tyres are highly risky for driving. If you drive with bald car tyres Derby, you keep yourself in trouble and other road users will also suffer due to your irresponsible behaviour.

Bald tyres are prone to punctures and they would not provide optimum grip and traction. Moreover, it is not easy to control bald tyres in unfavourable road conditions.

How Does Tyre Tread Wear Over Time?

Actually, the answer to this question will not be like 2 + 2 = 4, because the rate of wear is not going to be the same for different drivers. Moreover, the reasons are going to be different as well. Mainly the following factors are considered while we discuss tread depth:

Goodyear Tyres Derby

You’re Driving Style:

It is sure that careful and safe driving will increase the life of your tyres whereas careless driving habits will be responsible for a faster rate of tread wear.

Hitting a pothole, sharp cornering, harsh braking and improper air pressure in tyres are some examples of careless driving.

Quality of Maintenance:

How well you look after your tyres is also a vital factor. If you check your tyres regularly, rotate them at regular intervals and check alignment and balance as well, your tyres are going to work for a long time.

Driving Requirements:

Some drivers drive their car in cities and others have to travel a lot due to commercial activities. It means the goals of every driver are different. Therefore, the rate of wear and tear will also be different.

Quality of Tyres:

It is obvious that premium tyres will last longer than budget tyres. Therefore, all tyres start with a standard tread depth but the rate of wear is different for every tyre according to its quality.

How to Save Your Tyres From Damage?

However, it is not possible to bring the level of damage to zero but drivers can certainly minimize this rate by ensuring proper maintenance. Here we are providing some common tips that are useful to keep tyres in good condition for a long time.

First of all, you have to improve your driving habits to keep your Goodyear Tyres Derby fit and fine. You cannot change the nature of the road surface but it is possible to bring a change in your driving style. Use brakes, clutch and accelerator properly and do not hit kerbs or bumps carelessly. Moreover, you need to check the air pressure in your tyres regularly since under inflation and over inflation, both are not well for the tread depth.

Checking the physical condition of your tyres is also essential. Change your tyres if you find cuts, cracks and blisters on the surface of your tyres. It will be the best approach if you check wheel alignment and wheel balance regularly. Furthermore, you need to rotate your tyres at regular times to ensure a low rate of uneven tread wear. Conclusively, it is really possible to use tyres for extra years but you need high-level maintenance to achieve this goal. We are sure you will make it your regular habit to look after your tyres carefully after this blog.




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